Nostalgic Alumni Gathering in Bandung

Gathering Tambang Mining Engineering ITB
Mining Engineering ITB Class of 2004



Alumni gathering is an opportunity to keep in touch with old friends during college years. In the past, we formed strong bonds of friendship. Some might even feel like family. After being apart for a long time, there are times when there is a longing to meet again. On this occasion, Terantara arranged ITB Mining Engineering Class of 2004 alumni gathering.

Considering that ITB is located in Bandung, to commemorate the past, this event was held in Bandung. To strengthen the family atmosphere, a Villa was chosen as the location for the event. The event started with the arrival of participants at 7 a.m. The event opening was at 8 a.m., followed by a coffee break among participants. At 9 o’clock several games were held and it sure was filled with lots of laughter. After that, some participants played futsal while the others cheered and had a good time. At 11 a.m., it’s time for HMT Orkes Semi Dangdut (OSD) performance. At 12 o’clock participants took lunch and prayed. Finally, at 2. p.m., the closing ceremony was held and the event ended successfully.

Mining Engineering ITB Alumni Gathering
Mining Engineering ITB Class of 2004
Lunch Time - Mining Engineering ITB Alumni Gathering
Lunch Time – Mining Engineering ITB Alumni Gathering
Villa in Dago Pakar, The Venue for Mining Engineering ITB Alumni Gathering
Villa in Dago Pakar, The Venue for Mining Engineering ITB Alumni Gathering

If you are planning to conduct alumni gathering in villa with beautiful natural surroundings, Terantara is your perfect partner. We will arrange the event and conduct fun games according to your liking to make sure that all of the participants are having a good time. Please contact us for further information.